Mission & Outreach

Global Mission


Global Missions educates and inspires the congregation with God's heart for the nations, as well as the movement of churches worldwide.


To know Christ and to make Him known. Seek to make Christ known by honoring our Lord’s commands to go and make disciples of all nations (Matt 28:18-19) through active mission programs. These programs focus on congregational training for long and short-term gospel outreach.


Local Mercy Ministry


Mercy Ministry supports and serves the people of the DMV. We organize various operations throughout the year, including the distribution of Holiday Gift Baskets, Back-to-School Backpack Drive, Open Pantry, and assisting local homeless shelters.


Our mission is to spread the Gospel through serving and meeting the immediate physical, emotional and spiritual needs of our local community.


Sports & Recreation


Sports & Recreation Ministry provides opportunities to have fun and fellowship with others within the church. The ministry organizes annual golf and tennis tournaments, coordinates gym usage (for basketball, volleyball, table tennis, etc.), as well as assist other ministries when recreational activities are involved.


To create a CCPC and community outreach in a sports and recreation setting to testify to the Gospel of God's grace; to encourage seekers and believers to participate in recreation, leisure and sports activities which strengthen their family (self and CCPC) ties well as their spiritual, emotional, physical and social well-being.